Drop-off, Pick-up And Release of Students



Two Options for “Driving” Walkers:
College Ave. is one-way going north at drop-off.

1. Pull up to the car drop-off line at the College Ave. curbside cut-out.
• Drive up to the forward-most spot available so others can pull in behind you.
• Discharge on curb-side ONLY.
• Don’t double park and let your child walk between cars to get to the curb.
• Don’t discharge your child until you are IN the cut-out
• Do not get out of the car. A staff member will open the door and assist your child out of the car.
• Staff will supervise kids as they walk to Courtyard Door F.
• The safety of the children is our primary concern.

2. Park your car in a legal parking spot and walk your child to Courtyard Door F.
• Don’t park on College Ave. cut-out, in either staff parking lot, in the Mt. Hebron Rd. circular drive, or blocking a resident’s driveway, even “just for a minute.”
• There is plenty of parking in the neighborhood, but give yourselves a few extra minutes to get to school on time. The township is vigilant about enforcing the rules and has reminded the school that they will be ticketing frequently if a car is parked illegally.
• Do not park at the yellow curb (College Ave and Mt. Hebron).
• Do not park beyond the 'No Parking from here to the Corner' sign.
• Parking is allowed on only one side of the street. Please do not park on the 'No Parking' side of the street.

“Walking” Walkers: Walk your child to Courtyard Door F (not the front school doors). Doors don’t open until 8:40 a.m. and close promptly at 8:50. For safety reasons, you must bring your child to the school’s main entrance after 8:50. Please allow your child to walk into the building/to the classroom independently. They can do it – really! We have plenty of “morning duty” adults posted in the hallways in the school to ensure that your child gets to his/her/their destination safely.

Biking to School: The bike rack is located outside the music room near the College Ave. parking lot. Children should enter through Courtyard Door F. Don’t forget to wear a helmet and bring a bike lock!

Late Drop-Off: If you arrive after 8:50 a.m. and don’t see a staffer at the College Ave. curb cut-out, don’t drop your child off there. Courtyard Door F will be locked. Use the front doors on Mt. Hebron Rd. Students must report to the office to get a late pass.


Pick-Up: At dismissal, (3:05p.m.) walkers are dismissed in the courtyard. All students who are walkers must be released to the parent(s), legal guardian(s), or escort(s) designated by the parent or legal guardian (P-5142.2). Any parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who would like their child to walk home alone must submit written consent to the office in order for the child to be released on his/her/their own.

Bussers are released when they hear their bus called and walk directly to their bus. If a parent or legal guardian or designee is not at the bus stop, the child will be taken to the next school on the bus’s daily route. Be sure that someone is waiting for the child at the bus stop when the bus arrives to avoid this hassle.

Please note: If your child has a playdate with another child, they may not take a bus home unless it is his/her/their regular bus. If it is his/her/their bus and the stop is changing, then you will need to send a note for the bus driver/aide, and also notify the Transportation Department at 973-509-4055. Please note that children are not allowed to switch to a different bus for any reason unless authorized by Transportation.

Dismissal time is a very busy time of day; please make sure to call the office before 2:30 p.m. if there is a change in your child’s dismissal plans.

Release of Students During the School Day

When a student is to be picked up during school hours, a note signed by the parent or guardian must be given to the teacher on the morning of the day the child is to leave early. The child will meet the person picking him/her/them up in the office (if before regular dismissal) and is to be signed out of the office.


The Transportation Department handles all bus schedules and bus assignments at Central Office. All information is sent out prior to the start of the school year by that office. Students at the elementary level must live at least 1 mile from the school to qualify for the bus. The phone number of the Transportation Department is 973-509-4055.

In the event that you miss picking up your child when the bus brings him or back from school, here’s what happens: All children continue on the bus route and then are brought to the next school on the bus’s daily route. Make sure you ask your bus driver which school this is.


The bus driver and/or bus aide will complete a Bus Conduct Report in the event of a student’s inappropriate behavior on the bus. The Bus Conduct Report will be submitted to the building Principal and a copy will be sent to the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s). This is in accordance with Board Policy (5131.1).

First Offense – A warning letter will be sent to the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) informing them of the problem as well as what action was taken. The Principal will speak with the student.

Second Offense – The student will be excluded from the bus for a period of five (5) days and his/her/their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) shall provide transportation to and from school during that period. Absence from school during this period will be considered truancy. The Principal will call the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and a letter will be sent home.

Third Offense – The student will be excluded from the bus for a period of thirty (30) school days and his/her/their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) shall provide transportation to and from school during that period. Absence from school during this period will be considered truancy. Any further infractions will be subject to an additional thirty (30) school day suspension of bus privileges.


1. Be on time for your bus (5-7 minutes early is recommended).

2. Wait at the designated stop – stay out of the street and off the homeowner’s property.

3. Approach the bus only when it has completely stopped.

4. Buckle your seat belt when you board the bus – IT’S THE LAW.

5. Sit facing forward, feet on the floor, in your assigned seat.

6. Remain seated while the bus is in motion and during loading and discharging passengers.

7. Keep your head, arms and belongings inside the bus.

8. Eating and drinking are prohibited.

9. Keep the aisles completely clear.

10. Respect the bus property and equipment.

11. Do not distract the bus driver by loud noises or horseplay.

12. Be absolutely quiet at railroad crossing stops.

13. Be alert to emergency warnings and instructions from the driver.

14. In case of a road emergency, remain inside the bus and wait for instructions from the driver and/or attendant.

15. If you must cross the road, do so at least 10 feet in front of the bus quickly and orderly, and only after checking traffic from both directions and while the red school bus lights are flashing.

16. Remember that the driver can pick up/discharge passengers only at regular bus stops properly authorized by the school administration. Requests for alternate bus stops for “play dates” etc. will be denied.

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