Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The Board of Education
Food Regulation and Safety should be reviewed carefully. In addition, due to the high number and serious nature of student allergies at Bradford, we are tightening our protocols around food that is brought in by parents to serve in school. Please let school nurse,
Ms. Nightingale know if you have any questions.
In general, you are discouraged from providing food for a celebration (individual birthday celebrations with food are not allowed). The teachers have been advised of the same. No food is allowed to be attached to Valentine's Day card. If cards come in with a food item attached, we will not distribute them.
Going forward, you MUST follow the steps below:
1. If you feel that you absolutely must provide food for a celebration of some sort, you are required to notify the teacher at least one week in advance and provide a list to the teacher of every single ingredient for each item you plan to send in (also at least one week in advance).
2. The teacher will then provide the list of ingredients to Nurse Dowling for her review and approval.
3. As required by the district food regulation, a note/email will be sent to you if there is going to be parent/caregiver-provided food at an event (and the ingredients in that food) so that you can opt your child out of eating it if you choose to do so. This notice must be sent to you five days in advance of any event at which there will be food.
Please let me or Nurse Dowling know if you have any questions. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe.
MPS Food Regulation 8505